eBook Conversion| Tips and Checklist

eBook Conversion Tips & Checklist

eBook Conversion cheklist

Tips to Follow Before eBook Conversion

eBook conversion is one of the important steps towards publishing an eBook. The conversion services you opt for will give your final product. But it is always better if you also have a clear understanding of the process and the steps you need to take before sending your manuscript. Before you dive into the eBook conversion, it is beneficial if you follow these steps:

  • Proofread: It is important to proofread the manuscript yourself to make sure there are no syntax, spelling, or grammar mistakes.
  • Formatting: Have a consistent format for your manuscript. When formatting your document to submit, make sure you’re using the same line formatting and paragraph structure throughout.
  • Add additional information: If you want to include important extra information, put it in the first two pages. If you want to include the name of your publisher, their address, the publication date of the text, ISBN number, copyright information, and any other important collaborative credits, you want to do so right away.

Checklist for eBook Conversion

If you are providing the manuscript for conversion into Fixed-layout or Enhanced eBook, we recommend reading through the list to get a quality eBook. Once you are ready with the manuscript for conversion, follow this comprehensive checklist.

  • Create a cover image with a proper ratio. The book’s cover must use RGB color mode.
  • Create a table of contents and chapter breaks for easy eReader navigation and readability.
  • Maintain the order of the document in the eBook. (Cover page – Title page – Copyright – Front matter…)
  • Identify the heading levels (Chapter head, h1, h2, h3…) and show differentiation between various levels in the eBook.
  • Specify values for the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins in the eBook, to feel more unified and professional.
  • Layout – Normally, paragraphs in the body text should have the text-indent as 1.5em to mark every paragraph’s start instead of tab space.
  • Margins and font sizes cannot exceed 3em because of small-screen devices.
  • Use open type fonts.
  • The background color should be black, and the text color white.
  • No images inside the eBook can be larger than 4 megapixels, and it should be aligned to the center.
  • Give hotlink reference for artwork and tables.
  • All links should be given in blue.
  • The entire copyright page must fit onto one page by default, using the default font size as in a printed book.
  • Also note, validation is an important step ahead before your final eBook hits the stores.