Barnes & Noble fixed-layout
NOOK is a set of eBook readers developed based by Barnes & Noble. The reader supports fixed-layout format. It uses a relatively similar format like EPUB. The format supported in NOOK is a little different from the format in Kindle.
The NOOK Fixed-Layout format includes-
- PagePerfect
- NOOK Kids
- Nook Comics
Table of Contents
PagePerfect is functionally similar to PDF format. It is compatible with B&N’s NOOK Tablet, HD and HD+ Tablets, NOOK Color, and various Samsung devices. The PagePerfect format can also be read using some of Nook’s free reading apps (NOOK for Windows 8 Tablet, NOOK for iOS, and NOOK for Android).
Features of PagePerfect:
- Supports pinch-and- zoom navigation
- Searchable text
- Doesn’t support audio and video
NOOK Kids is an exclusive format for children’s eBooks. The files here are similar to that of EPUB3. It uses a derivative of EPUB called EPIB. NOOK Kids format only works on specific Barnes & Noble devices.
Features of NOOK Kids-
- Supports ‘Read to Me’ audio narration
- Landscape orientation alone
- Supports pinch-and-zoom navigation
NOOK Comics
Nook Comics is created using Barnes & Noble’s exclusive digital comic book format. It is similar to Kindle Comic Creator which uses article tool to create panels.
Features of NOOK Comics-
- Supports pinch-and-zoom navigation
- Pages in portrait or landscape
- Doesn’t support audio or video
- Supports right-to-left page turns.
- By sreepoorna
- February 7, 2020